
Workshops in Prague for the #ISBNPA2019 meeting

Start Date: 06/04/2019
End Date: 06/04/2019
Place: Prague, Czech Republic
Organization: ISBNPA2019

#Workshop 1

## Club A, 8:30-16:30


ISBNPA early career researcher and student workshop 


Name of the proponent

Dr Jenna Hollis



1. Webinar lead, Network for Early career researchers and Students of ISBNPA (NESI), ISBNPA

2. Hunter New England Population Health and the University of Newcastle, Australia


Other persons involved

1. Maartje Poelman and Katherine Downing – ISBNPA Executive Committee ECR and student representatives

2. Other NESI committee members (15 members)

Brief description 

The workshop is for ECRs and students who are interested in career development topics such as academic career progression, career options outside of academia (e.g. Government, Non-Government Organizations, industry), grant writing, publishing and peer reviewing articles, strengthening a curriculum vitae, developing leadership skills, building collaborations and networking, and advocacy and communication to policy makers to translate research to practice. Participants will have the opportunity to network with senior and junior researchers in the field of behavioral nutrition and physical activity. The workshop format will include presentations from experts, interactive Q&A sessions, and round-table discussions.


#Workshop 2

##Club B, 8:30-12:00


Evaluation and scale-up of physical activity interventions: lessons from six large-scale trials in Australia and Canada 


Name of the proponent

Prof Cathie Sherrington



University of Sydney 


Other persons involved

Prof Adrian Bauman, University of Sydney, Australia

Prof Heather McKay, University of British Columbia, Canada

Prof P-J Naylor, University of Victoria, Canada

A/Prof Anne Tiedemann, University of Sydney, Australia

Dr Leanne Hassett, University of Sydney, Australia


Brief description 

This workshop will create a forum for the exchange of ideas among those conducting large-scale trials of physical activity interventions in different settings. The focus will be on key aspects of study design, evaluation frameworks, outcomes and measurement approaches. 

We will present six case studies from Australia and Canada to illustrate the scope and diversity of evaluation of physical activity interventions. Case studies involve large scale pragmatic trials (individually and cluster randomised) and/or evaluations of scaled up interventions. These studies have been undertaken in populations ranging from children to older adults in settings including day care, schools, hospitals and older adults in the community. The session will be interactive and will also provide the opportunity for participants to contribute examples from their own experience and to ask questions. One key global goal is to promote collaboration and information sharing. Another goal is to consider development of a consensus statement on the evaluation of physical activity interventions.

By the end of the session participants will be introduced to aspects of different trial designs [pragmatic, explanatory, hybrid, effectiveness and scale-up trials], choice of outcome measures, and economic analyses.

#Workshop 3

##Club B, 13:15-16:30


Learn techniques to tailor obesity risk assessment tools to the literacy, socioeconomic, language and cultural practices of your target audience and select appropriate validation methods


Name of the proponent

Marilyn Townsend, PhD RD



University of California, Davis


Other persons involved

Mical Shilts, PhD California State University, Sacramento

Karina Diaz Rios, PhD RDUniversity of California, Merced

Louise Lanoue, PhDUniversity of California, Davis


Brief description 

Obesity continues to disproportionately impact low-income, ethnically diverse populations and is a serious public health issue; yet traditional methods of obesity-related behavior assessment do not perform well in non-traditional research and community settings with socially disadvantaged groups. The ability to monitor population trends, evaluate intervention programs and make informed policy and practice decisions, depends on the availability of relevant and valid assessment tools. 

One size does not fit all when it comes to assessment of obesity related behaviors. This interactive _ day workshop will include discussions and activities to assist participants in selecting methods to tailor and validate assessment tools to their research outcomes and audience demographics. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will have discussed and applied concepts related to their research area and planned next steps in tailoring and validation. Specifically, the workshop will focus on the providing various methods used in development, tailoring and validation of assessment tools targeting obesity related behaviors such as fruit and vegetable consumption, sleep, screen time, and sugar sweetened beverage consumption.

#Workshop 4

##Club C, 8:30-12:00


How to motivate the family to change?  

Applying Motivational Interviewing spirit & skills 


Name of the proponent

Prof. Moria Golan



Tel Hai Academic College


Other persons involved

Maya Mouallem; Tel Hai Academic College


Brief description 

Motivational Interviewing (MI) has an ever-growing body of evidence supporting its use in physical activity and lifestyle behaviour change.

The demonstration of empathy, acceptance, evocation and collaboration are highlighted as keystones in the building of a therapeutic alliance with client seeking assistance in combatting obesity and noncommunicable diseases (NOCD). 

Current research indicates that communication skills such as MI micro-skills (OARS) are imperative in various behavioural changes.

This workshop provides an introduction to motivational interviewing spirit and skills focusing on the engagement process, to increase patient motivation and decrease disengagement. 

Based on extensive research and clinical practice in the field of parenting and weight-related problems, this presentation will suggest several modes of communication to challenge parents’ resistance, compete with parents demands and promote better parental motivation and compliance to parents-centered programs. Enrollment campaigns tap into the desires of parents to be good parents by urging them to make smart choices in raising their children and balancing their parenting practices.  


#Workshop 5

## Club C, 13:15-16:30


Selecting Behavioral and Environmental Measures for Youth Eating and Physical Activity


Name of the proponent

Leslie A. Lytle, PhD


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Other persons involved

David Berrigan, PhD, National Institutes of Health, USA

Sharon Kirkpatrick, PhD, University of Waterloo

Allison Myers, PhD, MPH, Oregon State University

Jim Sallis, PhD, University of California San Diego

Greg Welk, PhD,  Iowa State University


Experts for Part 2:

Lene Frost Anderson, PhD,  University of Oslo 

Greet Cardon, PhD,  University of Ghent 

Stuart Fairclough, PhD  Edge Hill University in the United Kingdom 

Louise Masse, PhD, University of British Columbia 

Leia Minaker, PhD , University of Waterloo, Canada 

Jill Reedy, PhD, National Institutes of Health, USA 


Brief description

Assessing obesity-related behaviors and environmental determinants continues to challenge researchers and practitioners. In this session, the facilitators will provide an overview of key considerations in selecting measures of youth dietary and physical activity behaviors as well as food and activity environments that are generally relevant to broad populations. The workshop will conclude with breakout groups lead by measurement experts with which participants can engage in conversation about practical strategies towards selecting optimal and well accepted measures for their unique study interests. This workshop draws upon efforts of the U.S. National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) to support researchers and practitioners in choosing the best possible measures for studies and evaluations through a searchable registry and accompanying user guides and interactive learning modules. NCCOR represents a collaboration of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

#Workshop 6

## Club D, 8:30-12:00


Navigating the midcareer journey


Name of the proponent

A/Prof Maureen Ashe, [email protected]



The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Other persons involved

a. Dr. Borja del Pozo-Cruz, [email protected], Australian Catholic University, Sydney, NSW, Australia

b. Dr. Ruth Lowry, [email protected], University of Chichester, West Sussex, England


Brief description 

Please join us for the Midcareer Network (MCN) workshop at the 2019 ISBNPA Annual Meeting. The MCN is the most recent community within the ISBNPA membership and includes researchers and practitioners who self-select themselves to be at mid-career: although the typical member is frequently 5-9 years post-doctoral program. The MCN goals are to discuss issues particularly relevant to those at midcareer such as, balancing teaching, service, and research, disseminating research via social media, and mentorship. In this half-day workshop, we aim to have participatory sessions with mid-career and senior researchers from the field of physical activity and nutrition who will provide insights into the core topics described above.

8:30 – Introduction and review of the Mid-Career Network, and half-day session – A/Prof Maureen Ashe, University of British Columbia, Canada and Dr. Borja del Pozo, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia

8:45 – Finding Balance: Strategies to prioritize and strategize action items at midcareer –  Prof. Chris Lonsdale, Institute for Positive Psychology, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia

9:15 – Break out session: Challenges and solutions at midcareer – A/Prof Maureen Ashe and Dr. Borja del Pozo

9:45 – Disseminating research – Does social media play a role? – Dr. Dori Pekmezi, Department of Health Behavior, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

10:15 – Break out session: Benefits and challenges with social media – A/Prof Maureen Ashe and Dr. Borja del Pozo

10:45 – Mentorship: Giving and Receiving Career Support – A/Prof Sandra Mandic, School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Otago, New Zealand

11:15 – Panel Discussion

11:55 – Conclusion

#Workshop 7

##Club D, 13:15-16:30



International network on green space related approaches to physical activity promotion: The GREEN-PA Network


Name of the proponent

Ruth Hunter



Queen’s University Belfast


Other persons involved

Dr. Sonja Kahlmeier, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Carlo Fabian, FHNW, Switzerland 

Prof. Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, IS Global Barcelona, Spain  

Prof. Kelly O’Hara, University Beira Interior, Portugal 

Dr Erja Rappe, Age Institute, Finland 

Dr Niamh Murphy, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland 


Brief description 

Providing green spaces has health and other benefits particularly in youth, older people and socially disadvantaged groups, and is recognized as a promising approach to promoting PA in all population groups. Physical activity (PA) has been identified as an important pathway of the green space and health relationship.

The GREEN-PA network aims to:

1) Build an international network of scientists, policymakers and practitioners to support exchange on green-space related approaches to promoting PA;

2) Foster consensus building to identify research and implementation gaps, facilitating research initiatives and translation of scientific evidence for policy and practice;

3) Ensure visibility and recognition of the topic in scientific organizations, events and policy processes.

An aim of the Network is to develop consensus regarding the future approach to green space and PA research. A key activity of the workshop will be to discuss, reflect and provide input on future research in this area.

This workshop would be of interest to researchers, policymakers and practitioners at all levels involved in PA and/or green space.

#Workshop 8

## Club H, 8:30-12:00


The New Frontier of Behavioral Research: Big Data, User Phenotypes, and Precision Interventions


Name of the proponent

Melanie Hingle



University of Arizona 


Other persons involved

Heather Patrick, PhD, Carrot Inc.

Debbe Thompson, PhD, RDN USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine

Dori Steinberg, PhD,  Duke University 

Ann DeSmet, PhD,  Ghent University, Research Foundation Flanders

Kelly Morgan, PhD, Cardiff University 


Brief description 

Richer phenotypic data reflecting individual behavior, the environment, and related contextual factors will make it possible to define at-risk subgroups and develop and evaluate personalized prevention strategies and therapies. How one captures and derives meaning from these data remain open research questions. The purpose of this half-day, interactive workshop is to advance participants’ understanding of multi-modal data integration, interpretation, and application from the perspectives of behavioral scientists engaged in diet, physical activity, and obesity prevention research. Participants will explore ways in which phenotypic data may be utilized to develop precision prevention strategies and therapies and discuss ethical implications associated with these data. Upon completing this workshop, participants will be able to propose how these data might be collected and integrated to form a holistic view of individual health and discuss potential challenges within the context of personalized health and behavior change prescriptions. 


#Workshop 9

## Club H, 13:15-16:30



Exploring Physical Activity and Nutrition through Action-Oriented Research: The Method of Photovoice


Name of the proponent

Mr. Colin Baillie



Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada


Other persons involved

Dr. Kate Storey, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

Dr. Lucie Lévesque, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada


Brief description 

Meaningful physical activity and nutrition research requires the active engagement of participants in the research process (Jagosh et al., 2015). As a result, a growing number of researchers are using arts-based research methods that provide participants with an opportunity to catalyze positive health-related change in their communities. As a method of inquiry, Photovoice uses participant photography and visual representation to capture personal experiences as well as identify community needs and strengths and has been used successfully to support new health programming, changes in health-related policies, and new research opportunities (Baillie et al., 2016; Hamilton et al., 2017).  Despite the popularity of the method, Photovoice requires that facilitators have particular mastery in issues of participatory decision-making processes, ethics, photographic aesthetics and display, as well as group-based analysis. Using experiential learning techniques and examples from the presenters’ own research, this workshop will provide attendees with the skills and resources required to successfully engage research participants in a Photovoice project. Emphasis will be placed on practical strategies for using Photovoice in a way that is adaptable to a wide variety of populations and as a tool for knowledge creation that facilitates participant-driven healthy lifestyle and community changes. 


#Workshop 10

## TBD, 13:15-16:30


Using Your Research to Influence Policy: An Overview and Practical Strategies


Name of the proponent

Rebecca E. Lee, PhD



Arizona State University


Other persons involved

Elizabeth Ablah, PhD, MPH, University of Kansas School of Medicine-Wichita

Patti-Jean Naylor, University of Victoria

Andrew Milat, PhD, MPH, Australian Prevention Partnership Centre

Katelin M. Hudak, University of North Carolina-Charlotte

Joreintje Mackenbach, Amsterdam UMC

Elizabeth Racine, University of North Carolina-Charlotte



Brief description 

This workshop aims to fill this knowledge gap that many researchers experience by arming them with fundamental, practical ideas and strategies to help translate their research to policy. This workshop will provide an overview of policy frameworks, distinguish between BIG P and little p policies (P vs. p), demonstrate with real-world examples of how research can be infused in policy, and impart strategies that researchers can use to analyze and influence policy based on their own area of expertise. Workshop participants will work together in small groups to learn how to develop a policy topic, analyze a policy, consider the key players and appropriate audience, draft a letter to a policy maker, and write an opinion editorial (op-ed).